Mario - Pretty Mouth Magick [Video]

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Mario drops ‘Pretty Mouth Magick’, a song that sizzles with sensuality and bursts at the seams with sexual tension.

‘Pretty Mouth Magick’ is a classic spritz of steamy R&B that might leave you a little flustered. In the track’s music-video, the much-loved star proudly parades the male gaze as he happily partakes in his own fantasy. Throughout, Mario’s vocals are smooth and urgent as he sings lyrics that express his undisguised desire and unapologetic confidence. The source of Mario’s pleasure is the stunning choreography performed from three featured dancers: Fulani Bahati, Kayla Brenda and Nepthys The Goddess, who are styled in alluring outfits designed to mesmerise.

Watch Mario’s ‘Pretty Mouth Magick’ here:


Director - Mario & Sterling Hampton

Marketing - Justin Tomlinson


Fulani Bahati

Kayla Brenda

Nepthys The Goddess

Chanel Noir