Sudan Archives - Nont for Sale [Video]
Image via Sudan Archives Facebook
"You only call me when you need something..." this is the opening line of 'Nont for Sale' a track by Sudan Archives, real name Brittany Parks. Unfortunately we've all had those so called friends who are simply just undercover leaches, users and energy suckers! Yep, this shit get's deep. The saddest thing about it is, we are usually blinded by the true intentions of these types of people for the longest of eternity! 'Nont for Sale,' speaks up against the users! Archives beautifully delivers the message... back up, get out of my way and realise that this is my life and it's not available for your needs or requirements.
The visuals directed by Sudan Archives and Ross Harris, displays afro-centric scenes, with strong references to African culture, the 70's and also the Black Panther movement (no not the Marvel movie, although this is a love of ours as well). The video highlights power, the power that an individual has for themselves, before anything and anyone else. Archives portrays her own power and self love, acknowledging herself as the Queen of her own existence.
'Nont for Sale' is taken from Sudan Archives most recent EP, Sink.